Easy and Fun Nourison Rugs!

Choose your favorite design and colors to coordinate with your home décor from Nourison… The Color Couture program was designed to make it possible to create unique area rugs in custom designs, colors, textures and surface finishes. 

This simple and easy to order program is the ideal solution for customers who want the option of ordering absolutely unique area rugs in a variety of combinations.

Nourison inspires luxury and style in the world of home decor. Follow Barrys My carpet New York on social media for interior design inspiration and color trends.

COREtec Installations

We offer full service carpet installation around your schedule. We service all of Long Island, Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx and Manhattan. Call (516) 285- 0502 or contact us for areas in the New York area.

Installation will be discussed with your flooring specialist. We will make arrangements with you for a date and time that is available for booking.

Barry’s stocks and sources a variety of products. We carry the latest styles and colors, so you can customize your home or business the way you like.

Preparing your home or business for floor installation.

To prepare your home or commercial business for a new floor we recommend vacuuming and removing all debris from the existing floor. Remove home furnishings such as couches, pictures on the wall (to avoid damage to any personal possessions), disconnect tv’s computers, stereo’s and other electronic wiring.

Give Barry’s My Flooring experts a call today at (516) 285- 0502 for a free quote on installation or refinishing.

Masland Carpets Long Island

At Barrys My Carpet, we understand that true design requires a balance between the aesthetic and the practical. 

Our clear insight into the designer’s perspective is one reason Masland Carpets Long Island is a highly respected leader in the industry—our reputation for innovation is another reason leading design firms partner with Masland.

Guided by a design sense that has been refined by more than a century of experience, we not only recognize new trends as they emerge, we originate trends which others follow. 

Our creativity then finds expression in products of extraordinary quality and superb craftsmanship. The result: interior environments that are as functional as they are beautiful.